Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2005

Olaf Gellert og at
Thu Feb 24 18:34:16 CET 2005

Sascha Kiefer wrote:
> Well, i will not be at the  "Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2005" but
> i will be at the "12. Workshop 'Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen'" of
> DFN-CERT ( ).**
> Is anybody else going to be there?

Yes, me and the other guys from DFN-CERT and PRESECURE,
a good opportunity to push your key far up in the web
of trust... :-)

I think there will be no explicit keysigning party
as in the last two years, so bring your keyinfos
(keyID, userID and fingerprint, and better a few
copies of this) and your passport with you...

my keyIDs: 4403EB31, 799241C1, 48285EB9 & AFD42D45


Dipl.Inform. Olaf Gellert                  PRESECURE (R)
Senior Researcher,                       Consulting GmbH
Phone: (+49) 0700 / PRESECURE           og at

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