signing a robot's key

David Shaw dshaw at
Mon Jan 3 19:14:47 CET 2005

On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 01:57:45AM +0000, C. D. Rok wrote:
> David Shaw wrote:
> >This is a general problem with signing any key that does not have a
> >direct mapping to a human being. 
> Isn't it absurd - under any cicumstances - to invite non-humans into
> the WOT?

A key that does not have a direct mapping to a human being could be
something like 'postmaster'.  There are humans somewhere there, just
not a direct mapping to one of them.

Even so, there are non-humans in the WoT right now, and have been for
quite a while.  Even back as far as 1994, there was the SLED signing


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