1.4.0a won't retrieve key from keyserver?

David Shaw dshaw at jabberwocky.com
Tue Jan 11 04:06:13 CET 2005

On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 06:22:51PM -0500, Jason Markley wrote:
> I've just noticed a problem that I'm having with the windows version 
> (1.4.0a).  I can't seem to import any keys from the keyserver.  I can 
> search the server, see the key, but when I select the key to import, i get 
> this....
> gpg: requesting key <key-id> from hkp keyserver <keyserver-addr>
> gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
> gpg: Total number processed: 0
> but if i run the same command through a gpg-1.2.5 installation, the 
> process completes and correctly imports the key i selected from the search.
> Did something change in 1.4.0a in the way gpg gets keys from a keyserver?

Yes.  The keyserver stuff is pretty significantly different, but many
people are using 1.4.0a on win32 without a problem.

Can you re-run the keyserver that failed command with
'--keyserver-options keep-temp-files' set?  Reply with the tempin.txt
and tempout.txt files.  The tempin.txt and tempout.txt files will end
up in a directory named gpg-XXXXXX under your temp dir (usually


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