Web of trust in Southwest Ohio, USA

Neil Williams linux at codehelp.co.uk
Thu Jan 20 20:05:40 CET 2005

On Thursday 20 January 2005 2:55 pm, Jason Barnett wrote:
> - Can someone give me some advice on how to get started building my "web
> of trust?"

1. Advertise that you use GnuPG by signing emails, putting your key in ASCII 
armour on your webpage, linking to that page in your email sig, . . .
2. Get yourself onto biglumber (ref in my sig) to help people in your area to 
find you.
3. Join local user groups, especially (GNU/)Linux User Groups (GLUG or LUG).
4. Start with your own friends and contacts.

> - Is there a site where I can search *all* of the archives at once?  I
> found http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-users/?1106184443 but I can
> only search within a one month time frame (and I hate to post questions
> that have already been answered).

The practical reason for that is that multi-month searches require lots of 
server time and unless you've got the power of Google, the scripts time out.

Google will search particular sites - check the advanced search options.

> - I realize that not every person I email is going to use GPG / PGP so
> I'd like to at least sign every email that I send.  What exactly is
> supposed to be in my signature?  Is it the encrypted version of the
> email I am sending?

It's a checksum of the content of the email. It is calculated from your key 
and the email text and each signature is unique. Your email client will do 
the calculations for you. Your standard email sig (the plain text bit) should 
just mention your keyid or a webpage that holds a copy of your key plus 
sundry other contact details. You don't write a digital / GnuPG signature 

You're using Thunderbird so you'll need the Enigmail plugin to sign using 
GnuPG. It's very simple to configure.

It will allow you to sign all outgoing messages or just the ones you select.

> Thanks in advance for whatever help you can send my way.  And if any of
> you are PHP developers feel free to drop me a line some time.  :)


Atom has also written a GnuPG encryption routine for PHP:


Neil Williams

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