lord grinny
grinny3004 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 29 15:05:11 CET 2005
Thanks Henry,
This wasn't exactly what I meant, but it is nice to
finaly see it do something
it is supposed too. Importing your key worked without
any problem. The temp file
I was asking for is where the gpgkeys_* helper
programs store their output. Gpg
creates a temporary file, fills it with parameters and
calls the gpgkeys_*
program. The helper program reads the parameters from
the temporary inputfile
and then puts the result in the temporary output file.
Gpg reads the output file
and extracts the key.
Because my network is a little complicated and nobody
else seems to have the
problem I have. I decided to write a new version of
gpgkeys_http. This shouldn't
be very hard, when I know what the exact output should
- Grinny -
Oh, I am a C programmer and I'm okay
I muck with indices and structs all day
And when it works, I shout hoo-ray
Oh, I am a C programmer and I'm okay
Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:
> hhhobbit7 wrote:
>>lord grinny <grinny3004 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>Thanks again for your response Henry,
>>>I forgot to mention you can find out where these
>>>are stored with the
>>>'--debug-all' option.
>>Okee Dokee. I deleted Atom Smasher and then got it
>>again with the following command:
>>gpg --debug-all --keyserver pgp.mit.edu
-keyserver-options \
>> keep-temp-files --recv-keys D9F57808 > 2log.txt
>>That is something you can NOT do on Windows, which
is redirect
>>both STDOUT and STDERR to the same file. I am
attaching 2log.txt,
>>zipped. I am still looking at the 2292 line
2log.txt file
>>and am at line 535. So far I see no reference to
the file
>>that is supposedly saved. I will let you know if I
see it.
>>In the mean time I will give you this file so that
you can
>>see the log at least.
> I just finished looking at the log of the
transaction, and
> what I think that you would be referring to is the
> pubring.gpg.tmp file. What gpg does is make a copy
of the
> pubring.gpg file as pubring.gpg.tmp. If there is
> added it deleted the pubring.gpg~ file, and renames
> pubring.gpg.tmp file pubring.gpg~. If it didn't get
> it deletes the pubring.gpg file, and renames the
> file back to pubring.gpg.
> I don't see how this helps you.
> Why don't you try the following with my attached
pub/sub key?
> (I will show a "C:\GnuPG> " in front of everything
you should type:
> C:\GnuPG> md5sum hhhskey.asc
> REM it should give:
> REM 66f39128c7e990cdb1a0163d821359d8 hhhskey.asc
> C:\GnuPG> gpg --import hhhskey.asc
> C:\GnuPG> gpg --list-keys
> REM I should be there at the end of the output. If
I am not, you
> REM have something seriously wrong. On the other
hand if I am
> REM there you should see something like:
> REM pub 1024D/0164F7D5 2004-03-25 Henry Hertz
Hobbit \
> REM (AKA David Alexander Harvey)
<hhhobbit at comcast.net>
> REM sub 1024g/564E3DED 2004-03-25
> REM Now fingerprint my key
> C:\GnuPG> gpg --fingerprint hhhobbit at comcast.net
> REM This should give you the following fingerprint:
> 924E BE61 1ACF B87A DCA9 009E E74C 183D 0164 F7D5
> This is just another way of verifying that the key
> what it is meant to be, which assures that it is
> It is just another way of doing what md5sum does.
> can download the md5sum program for Windows from:
> http://www.etree.org/md5com.html
> Now all you have to do is sign me:
> C:\GnuPG> gpg --edit-key 'Henry Hertz Hobbit'
> Command> sign
> Give me the level you think I should have.
> One of the problems I had with all of this was,
> KEYS BE? That is why I encouraged you to shift to
WinPT. It
> takes a little jockeying to get it working, but it
works MUCH
> better, since they modify gpg to store the keys in
the GnuPG
> folder under the Applications in your Documents and
> folder. Here is where you get info on WinPT and
download the
> install file:
> http://tinyurl.com/4al9p
> The latest version is WinPT 1.0rc2 and it includes
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