correspondence between pref notications and algo's

David Shaw dshaw at
Tue Mar 1 20:57:38 CET 2005

On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 10:41:02AM -0800, Joseph Bruni wrote:

> When I'm looking at preferences on a key, the list of algo's is
> using a shorthand notation, such as "S9 S8 S7 S3 S2 H2 H3 Z2
> Z1". "showpref" shows the longer versions.
> Is there a document somewhere that describes which shorthand corresponds to
> which algorithm (i.e. what maps H2=SHA1?)?

RFC-2440.  You can also get a listing with 'gpg -v --version'

"pref" isn't that useful any longer now that 1.4 is out.  "showpref"
is the way to go since it actually gives the algorithms by name.


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