The PATH problem (was Re: Libcurl)

David Shaw dshaw at
Fri Mar 25 05:50:12 CET 2005

On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 06:24:57PM +0100, Carlo Luciano Bianco wrote:

> Maybe it is possible to run the keyserver helpers not just by their
> name, but by their *entire* name: instead of running
> "gpgkeys_xxx.exe", gpg.exe should run
> "c:\programmi\gnupg\gpgkeys_xxx.exe". In other words, instead of
> putting its own folder in the PATH, gpg.exe should put its own
> folder in front of the name of the keyserver helper to be executed.
> In this way you should be pretty sure that you execute the right
> file, and you can keep the system PATH as it is. But maybe it is not
> so simple...

That is basically the plan.  The only (not very) complex thing is that
it needs to take into account --exec-path as well as the configure
option --disable-keyserver-path, and the various combinations of those
options or lack thereof.

Can you try this patch?

-------------- next part --------------
Index: keyserver.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnupg/gnupg/g10/keyserver.c,v
retrieving revision 1.82
diff -u -r1.82 keyserver.c
--- keyserver.c	17 Mar 2005 22:55:17 -0000	1.82
+++ keyserver.c	25 Mar 2005 04:42:35 -0000
@@ -860,20 +860,39 @@
-  /* Push the libexecdir into path.  If DISABLE_KEYSERVER_PATH is set,
-     use the 0 arg to replace the path. */
+  /* Build the filename for the helper to execute */
+  scheme=keyserver_typemap(keyserver->scheme);
-  set_exec_path(GNUPG_LIBEXECDIR,0);
+  /* Destroy any path we might have.  Note that this sets PATH to an
+     empty string, rather than deleting the PATH environment variable.
+     That's intentional, so we don't fall back to a system built-in
+     PATH.  This is not that meaningful on Unix-like systems (since
+     we're going to give a full path to gpgkeys_foo), but on W32 it
+     prevents loading any DLLs from directories in %PATH%. */
+  set_exec_path("",0);
-  set_exec_path(GNUPG_LIBEXECDIR,opt.exec_path_set);
+  if(opt.exec_path_set)
+    {
+      /* If exec-path was set, and DISABLE_KEYSERVER_PATH is
+	 undefined, then don't specify a full path to gpgkeys_foo, so
+	 that the PATH can work. */
+      command=m_alloc(strlen("gpgkeys_")+strlen(scheme)+1);
+      command[0]='\0';
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      /* Specify a full path to gpgkeys_foo. */
+      command=m_alloc(strlen(GNUPG_LIBEXECDIR)+1+
+		      strlen("gpgkeys_")+strlen(scheme)+1);
+      strcpy(command,GNUPG_LIBEXECDIR);
+      strcat(command,"/");
+    }
-  /* Build the filename for the helper to execute */
-  scheme=keyserver_typemap(keyserver->scheme);
-  command=m_alloc(strlen("gpgkeys_")+strlen(scheme)+1);
-  strcpy(command,"gpgkeys_"); 
+  strcat(command,"gpgkeys_"); 

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