How to fix the user ID on an old key?

Oskar L. oskar at
Wed Oct 12 11:37:11 CEST 2005


I've got an old keypair, generated in 2003 with the current PGP version at
that time. When I import the secret key, I get:

gpg: key 75AC881F: no valid user IDs
gpg: this may be caused by a missing self-signature

I'm able to get the key to work in gpg, but is there any way to fix it, so
that I can export it, delete it from the keyring, and re-import it,
without getting that message? I've tried --allow-non-selfsigned-uid, but
that doesn't seem to change the key, only the way gpg handles it (when
exported it's still the same). Included below is the output from pgpdump,
in case that's of any help.


Old: Secret Key Packet(tag 5)(481 bytes)
        Ver 4 - new
        Public key creation time - Fri Oct  3 06:58:46 EDT 2003
        Pub alg - DSA Digital Signature Algorithm(pub 17)
        DSA p(1024 bits) - ...
        DSA q(160 bits) - ...
        DSA g(1022 bits) - ...
        DSA y(1024 bits) - ...
        Sym alg - CAST5(sym 3)
        Iterated and salted string-to-key(s2k 3):
                Hash alg - SHA1(hash 2)
                Salt - 3f ac 9a 6c 32 e5 a5 94
                Count - 65536(coded count 96)
        IV - 75 29 8e f0 54 0b 20 5e
        Encrypted DSA x
        Encrypted SHA1 hash
Old: User ID Packet(tag 13)(43 bytes)
        User ID - anon0106 at <anon0106 at>
Old: Secret Subkey Packet(tag 7)(610 bytes)
        Ver 4 - new
        Public key creation time - Fri Oct  3 06:58:46 EDT 2003
        Pub alg - ElGamal Encrypt-Only(pub 16)
        ElGamal p(2048 bits) - ...
        ElGamal g(2 bits) - ...
        ElGamal y(2046 bits) - ...
        Sym alg - CAST5(sym 3)
        Iterated and salted string-to-key(s2k 3):
                Hash alg - SHA1(hash 2)
                Salt - 3f ac 9a 6c 32 e5 a5 94
                Count - 65536(coded count 96)
        IV - 3e 3c 75 2d 2e 2b 86 04
        Encrypted ElGamal x
        Encrypted SHA1 hash

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