Bogus Key on Keyservers

Michael W. Lucas mwlucas at
Thu Oct 13 22:28:16 CEST 2005

On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 09:12:11PM +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
> > or somehow flag my own key in such a way that it is clear 
> > which is the real one?
> Any change you make to your key could be mirrored by whoever created the other 
> key. Use the fingerprint, that's what it is for.

Signatures can help as well.  I trust keys more if I can find Web of
Trust paths to them.

But there's no way to mark the bogus key as bogus.


Michael W. Lucas	mwlucas at, mwlucas at

"The cloak of anonymity protects me from the nuisance of caring." -Non Sequitur
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