[Sks-devel] stripping GD sigs (was: Re: clean sigs) / Feature Request

cdr cedar at 3web.net
Sun Sep 11 21:58:25 CEST 2005

MUS1876 wrote:
>>I have
>>friends who currently don't want to use PGP because they fear that 
>>keys will be uploaded to a keyserver, and then they will be spammed
>>forever more.
> I totally agree what friends of Alphax say.
> Wouldn't it be cute to have a sepcial option to flag both keys and
> subkeys as non exportable (uploadable) to keyservers? Speaking of 
 > myself
> at current, I also don't want to see any of my keys posted to a
> keyserver by someone else, be it on intention or not.
The time is ripe for a GPG variant: ("GPG-lean" ?): a public key
encryption utility with no built-in e-mail ties and no attempt
whatsoever to incorporate the solution for the authentication
problem. (For the majority of us, fingerprint-exchange-by-voice
is more perfectly adequate).

CD Rok

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