Importing my keys fails

Joseph Oreste Bruni brunij at
Fri Dec 1 02:41:36 CET 2006

On Nov 30, 2006, at 6:23 AM, Michael Erskine wrote:

>> My limited understanding was that symetric keys were just a pair
>> of fancy numbers! :)
> Sorry, I meant asymmetric keys of course :)
> Regards,
> Michael Erskine.

The keys themselves are similar at a basic level. But the packaging  
and data file formats are not interoperable. An SSH key file is not  
much more than the key, but an OpenPGP key also contains elements of  
identity such as email addresses, etc. as well as signatures from  
other users.

With some work, you could probably extract the RSA key data from the  
PGP key and convert it to the format used for OpenSSH, but honestly  
it isn't work the trouble.

There is also some effort to make OpenPGP and X.509 certificates  
somewhat interoperable since they have more in common in both content  
and purpose.

Someday there might be a grand unification of all things PKI, but I'm  
not holding my breath.

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