gpg on cron task

enediel gonzalez enediel at
Sat Feb 4 14:41:36 CET 2006

Thanks for your attention

-root is the owner of the script.

-as a root user, if I execute my script manually I obtain what I want

-the script was included as a cron task for root

-running the same script from a cron task the encrypting process fails 
because I don't obtain any .gpg file, no error reported.

-I know that the script was executed from the cron task because the same 
script previously created by itself the file I want to encrypt with gpg.

-everything is done over /tmp where everybody can write

Linux user 300141 Debian GNU/Linux

>From: samuel at Update.UU.SE (Samuel ]slund)
>Reply-To: GnuPG Users <Gnupg-users at>
>To: GnuPG Users <Gnupg-users at>
>Subject: Re: gpg on cron task
>Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 09:19:46 +0100
>On Sat, Feb 04, 2006 at 02:23:47AM +0000, enediel gonzalez wrote:
> > Hello:
> >  I use debian sarge and I need to encrypt and decrypt automatically 
> > files using gpg
> >
><<<< Snip >>>>
> >
> > When I execute the script manually as root, I obtain the encrypted file,
> > but if I put the same script as a cron's task, the whole script works
> > perfectly except the encryption process, and I not receive any error.
>Have you checked if the script has access to the key?
>(E.g. Permission or path problems.)
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