cURL keyserver handlers broken

John Clizbe JPClizbe at
Sun Feb 19 07:04:29 CET 2006

Alphax wrote:
> Under GPG 1.4.3rc1 I'm completely unable to get the cURL-type keyserver
> handlers to function correctly. For example, using the following command:
> gpg --no-options --keyserver --search Alphax
> I get the error:
> ?: localhost: Unable to connect: ec=0
> gpgkeys: HTTP search error 7: couldn't connect: No error
> Using a 1.4.2 build (which doesn't use the cURL handlers):
> c:\gnupg\142\gpg --no-options --keyserver
> --search Alphax

Try another server, say or I've seen the
same error when the specified server is unreachable.

John P. Clizbe                   Inet:   JPClizbe(a)comcast DOT nyet
Golden Bear Networks             PGP/GPG KeyID: 0x608D2A10
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss, "Oh the Places You'll Go"

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