gpg: OpenPGP card not available: Assuan server fault

Felix E. Klee felix.klee at
Tue Mar 7 21:31:01 CET 2006

At Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:47:51 +0100,
Werner Koch wrote:
> > As I'm at it, a minor complaint: In order to get the gpg2 binary, I
> > had to do:
> You shall not build gpg2.  Configure does not enable this option for a
> reason.  Use gpg 1.4.2 (or the cvs version) for OpenPGP.  This is
> stated at several places.

But I don't want to do OpenPGP: I want to do SSH with the OpenPGP card.
I roughly followed the howto behind the following URL:

This howto mentions the use of "gpg2".

Felix E. Klee

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