deleting signatures from uids

Alex Mauer hawke at
Thu Nov 2 21:39:45 CET 2006

Qed wrote:
> This is not a limitation, it'a a feature :-) and this is also the reason
> why you should not play with PGP on keyservers, the result will be often
> another abandoned key.

Is there any reason that the keyserver needs to continue to redistribute
expired, revoked, or otherwise invalid (e.g. superseded) signatures?

I can't think of any.

I can kind of see why you might want to show the full history of a key,
but does it really need to be distributed out to everyone?

If this is a security risk, surely the keyserver options
"import-clean-sigs" and "import-clean-uids" are also, are they not?

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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