--edit-key command

David Shaw dshaw at jabberwocky.com
Tue Nov 14 14:19:18 CET 2006

On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 09:12:43AM -0800, dmdm wrote:
> what is the command in the edit-key section to add a missing uid to a key
> for example i have been asked in this way:
> Need add uid of send at ...
>     only has uid of config at ...
> a) so how to add uid of send?
> Also would be nice for some unique shortname (8 characters or less)
> at the moment my key has a 12 charter name

gpg --edit-key (yourkey)

> b) how to change to a unique shortname of say "pelt"?

If you have never distributed your key, you can use adduid to add a
new user ID, and then deluid to remove the old one.  However, if you
have distributed your key, you can't really change names any longer.
The best you can do is use adduid to add a new user ID, and revuid to
revoke the old one.  This doesn't actually remove the old one, but
does mark it as not to be used.


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