Un-revoking a key pair

Jørgen Christiansen Lysdal j.lysdal at gmail.com
Sat Apr 7 12:07:34 CEST 2007

David Shaw wrote:
>   1) Export the public key into a file.
>      gpg --export (thekey) > mykey.gpg
>   2) Split it into parts:
>      gpgsplit mykey.gpg
>      This breaks the key into multiple files with names like
>      "000001-006.public_key".
>   3) Figure out which packet is the revocation.  It's likely to be
>      "000002-002.sig", but make sure with:
>      gpg --list-packets 000002-002.sig
>      That will show information about the packet.  If the sigclass is
>      set to 0x20, that's the revocation.  Delete that file.
>   4) Put the key back together again:
>      cat 0000* > myfixedkey.gpg
>   5) Remove the old key:
>      gpg --expert --delete-key (thekey)
>      You need --expert here so GPG will let you delete the public key
>      when a private key is still around.
>   6) Import the new key:
>      gpg --import myfixedkey.gpg

What is the reason for doing all this, when you can just delete the
revocation signature?

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