OpenPGP Smartcard and SSH ?!

Matthias Barmeier matthias.barmeier at
Tue Apr 24 14:59:52 CEST 2007

Werner Koch wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Apr 2007 22:12, matthias.barmeier at said:
>> My old ssh keys works fine with gpg-agent but how do I add the key on
>> the card ?
> There is no need to add a key from a card.  Just insert the card into
> the reader and gpg-agents knows about it.
> A mere ssh-add -l will list the card's key.  To retrieve the public key
> of the card, use ssh-add -L.
> $ ssh-add -l
> 1024 f1:63:41:8b:b2:77:e5:fe:0b:29:17:8a:4a:c2:c4:de cardno:000100000347 (RSA)
> 1024 4f:e1:04:1f:3f:97:8e:54:6b:21:7f:d6:8a:72:22:71 /home/wk/.ssh/id_dsa (DSA)
> This lists my card's key as well as an on-disk key.  ssh will try all
> listed keys in turn untill it succeeds.
Strange ... this works at my office, but not at home ... I will check my
installation at home maybe something ist messed up. ssh-add -l does not
list the key on the card.

I will check  thanks for your help ... Is there a FAQ available ?? it
seems that the openPGP --> SSH stuff is interesting for a lot of people
and there are many legends out there.

Ciao Matze

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