Sign+Encrypt a message

Anders Breindahl skrewz at
Fri Apr 27 09:56:23 CEST 2007


On 200704270027, James Moe wrote:
>   I am converting a program that made system calls to PGP to handle
> security operations, to using gpg instead.
>   One of the features of PGP is its ability to sign and encrypt from a
> single command. Is it possible to do the same with gpg?
>   If not, can you recommend a method that would accomplish the same thing?

Manpage of gpg:

 -s      Make  a  signature. This command may be combined with --encrypt (for a
         signed and encrypted message)

So simply call `gpg --sign --encrypt` with what ever other options that apply.

Regards, skrewz.
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