external pinpad, gnupg, SPR532 PinPad SmartCard Reader

Alex L. Mauer hawke at hawkesnest.net
Mon Feb 12 16:13:32 CET 2007

Werner Koch wrote:
> I am pretty sure that this is a problem of the distribution.  The most
> common problem is that pcscd has been started and thus gained
> exclusive access to the reader.

I'd agree, except that mine is now prompting, and accepting input from
the keyboard, for the PIN.  That's a symptom of the problem you describe
above, correct?

The previous pinpad problem I had was that it would prompt to use the
pinpad but then would fail after entering the PIN.  That's a separate
problem, correct?

-Alex Mauer "hawke"
Bad - You get pulled over for doing 90 in a school zone and you're drunk
off your ass again at three in the afternoon.
Worse - The cop is drunk too, and he's a mean drunk.
FUCK! - A mean drunk that's actually a swarm of semi-sentient
flesh-eating beetles.
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