[Macgpg-users] GnuPG v2.0.2 MAC OS install - TESTING NEEDED!

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Sun Feb 18 14:07:52 CET 2007

On Sat, 17 Feb 2007 14:36, benjamin at py-soft.co.uk said:

> $ gpg2 --pcsc-driver /System/Library/Frameworks/PCSC.framework/PCSC
> --card-status
> gpg: Invalid option "--pcsc-driver"

There has never been such an option.  You need to specify this option
with scdaemon.  gpg2 has no internal fallback support for smart
cards.  It requires gpg-agent/scdaemon.

> Despite the following in the man page:
> --pcsc-driver file

I'll fix the doc.

> Neither scdaemon:

I just tested scdaemon and it definitely has this option.

> #define DEFAULT_PCSC_DRIVER "libpcsclite.so"

I added a default value for OS X.



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