Can't generate new keys

Todd Zullinger tmz at
Mon Jun 4 01:36:55 CEST 2007

rocko wrote:
> When i try to make a new key i get the following error:
> gpg: no writable public keyring found: eof
> Key generation failed: eof
> I'm using Ubuntu 7.04 and logged on as regular user.
> I've generated a key before but i used: sudo gpg --gen-key
> that works fine.
> I just can't seem to do it as regular user.

I'd guess that the ownership/permissions on your ~/.gnupg dir and/or
keyring files are not correct.  Check that you own the directory and
the files in ~/.gnupg using "ls -la ~/.gnupg" (as a regular user).  It
should look something like this:

$ ls -la .gnupg/
total 88K
drwx------  2 user user 4.0K Apr  3 15:18 .
drwx------ 43 user user 4.0K Jun  3 20:34 ..
-rw-------  1 user user 9.0K Dec  8 15:51 gpg.conf
-rw-------  1 user user  11K Dec  8 16:02 pubring.gpg
-rw-------  1 user user 9.7K Dec  8 15:56 pubring.gpg~
-rw-------  1 user user  600 Dec  8 15:57 random_seed
-rw-------  1 user user 1.3K Dec  8 15:52 secring.gpg
-rw-------  1 user user 1.3K Dec  8 15:56 trustdb.gpg

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
Subtlety is the art of saying what you think and getting out of the
way before it is understood.
    -- Anonymous

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