decrypt : primary key or subkey ?
dave.smith at
Wed Jun 6 16:48:45 CEST 2007
On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 04:23:58PM +0200, Bruno Costacurta wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not able to decrpyt message as I received hereafter message about using
> subkey instead of primary key.
> Is this correct ? Could it be the problem relies on the usage of this subkey ?
> If yes, how to manage my keyring regarding this
> subkey (which is obviously used for en/decrypting not for signing) to be able
> to decrypt ?
IME it is normal to get this message when using subkeys.
If you do 'gpg --list-keys --verbose', does it list the subkey 0CC897B5?
What about when you do 'gpg --list-secret-keys'?
David Smith | Tel: +44 (0)1454 462380 Home: +44 (0)1454 616963
STMicroelectronics | Fax: +44 (0)1454 462305 Mobile: +44 (0)7932 642724
1000 Aztec West | TINA: 065 2380 GPG Key: 0xF13192F2
Almondsbury | Work Email: Dave.Smith at
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