GNUPG, how to set the passphrase as parameter in comment line

HIRA, Shuichi hira at
Thu Mar 15 01:50:31 CET 2007


>You have a few choices:
>1) remove the passphrase from the private key
>2) pass the passphrase to gpg using the --passphase-fd option
>3) supply the passphrase using the --pasephrase-file option
>4) supply the passphrase using the --passphrase option
5) use GPGME library

I think this is the best way to "automate". 
I built dll, but cannot post "howto" yet, sorry.

I found,

1: to send passphrase in passphrase_cb, must not "write" to fd, use "_gpgme_io_write"
2: GPGME has some memory leak, need to free some object 
    debug_lock, notify_table_lock, reader_table_lock, writer_table_lock, ...
...and so on

HIRA, Shuichi
Atlas Information Service Inc. 
IT Development Room
hira at

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