1.4.9 (IDEA not working?)

vedaal at hush.com vedaal at hush.com
Wed Apr 2 22:10:08 CEST 2008

have installed gnupg 1.4.9 using the windows binary,
and IDEA no longer loads

have tried this again on a usb drive, replacing all the gnupg 1.4.8 
files with 1.4.9 files,
but leaving the idea.dll, gpg.conf, keyrings and trust db the same 
as they were for 1.4.8

and even tested it before the replacement
1.4.8 loads IDEA
1.4.9 does not

here is my gpg.conf in case i overlooked anything

##gpg2go  drive
comment "Acts of Kindness better the World, and protect the Soul"
keyring v:\gnupg\pubring.gpg
secret-keyring v:\gnupg\secring.gpg
trustdb-name v:\gnupg\trustdb.gpg
cipher-algo TWOFISH
digest-algo SHA256
#digest-algo SHA1
compress-algo ZIP
homedir v:\gnupg
load-extension v:\gnupg\idea.dll
#local-user 0x5AA20C866A589A97!
#hidden-encrypt-to 0x5AA20C866A589A97
s2k-cipher-algo twofish
s2k-digest-algo SHA256
cert-digest-algo SHA256
#digest-algo sha1
#digest-algo ripemd160
#default-key 6A589A97!
default-key D35FB186

(v:\ is the truecrypt drive letter i use for volume that has gnupg 
and the keyrings)

can anyone else confirm this,
or did i make a mistake somnehwere
(other than still using a v3 key and idea ;-))  )



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