editing User ID

James P. Howard, II jh at jameshoward.us
Thu Apr 17 18:11:26 CEST 2008

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 10:18:03AM -0500, rick wrote:

> In setting up a user I managed to fat finger the email address.
> The pgp documentation shows how to edit the user information using the -ke 
> (key edit) flag, but I am unable to find a similar capability in gpg.  I 
> thought that possibly I could remove the user id, then recreate the user 
> with the corrected email address but I was unsure if I could retain the 
> ability to decrypt existing files.
> Is it possible to edit the user information in pgp?  Can someone point me 
> to the applicable documentation for this item?

This will not affect your ability to decrypt existing files.  If you
have published the key to a keyserver, the only options are to revoke
the user id and add a new one or revoke the entire key, and generate a
new key.  However, you will still require the old key to decrypt
previously encrypted files.


James P. Howard, II
jh at jameshoward.us
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