Problem with default key

Andrew Berg bahamutzero8825 at
Sat Aug 9 05:51:16 CEST 2008

andrea giovannoni wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with my default key.
> gpg --default-key 0x12345578
> gpg: Go ahead and type your message ...
> Can you help me?
Because you have not specified a file, GPG tries to read from stdin. 
Because there is nothing there, you see that message. The --default-key 
is more for gpg.conf (the name makes more sense in this context) than to 
be supplied on the command line. If you wish to make the default signing 
key 0x12345578, add
default-key 0x12345578
to your gpg.conf. As John mentioned, you can override that preference 
for a particular invocation with --local-user (or -u for short).

Based on your reply to the others' messages, I think your problem is 
just that you are not giving GPG a file to work with.

Key ID: 0xF88E034060A78FCB
Fingerprint: 4A84 CAE2 A0D3 2AEB 71F6  07FD F88E 0340 60A7 8FCB
Windows NT 6.0.6001.18000 | GPG 1.4.9 | Thunderbird | Enigmail 

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