Safe decryption with GnuPG?

Dave (My-IOP) dave at
Tue Feb 12 19:32:26 CET 2008

2008/2/12 Anders Breindahl <skrewz at>:

> Hello,
> On 200802010958, Krzysztof Żelechowski wrote:
> [snip]
> Other than that you may want to look at this vim plugin, which is along
> the lines of what you seek:
> Regards, skrewz.

Hi skrewz -- is it possible to make the vim plugin work similar to the gedit
gpg plugin? What I want to do it encrypt a portion of a text file -- not the
whole file. In gedit, I can select the text to be encrypted and choose a
menu option to encrypt it. The original text is replaced by gpg ascii
armored encrypted text in place. The decrypt option reverses the process.

If gedit can do it, I would think vim can do it too. Unfortunately, as a
noob, I don't know much about (really nothing) vim scripting. Is there an
existing solution for this?
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