"--passphrase-file" issues

Dragmore dragmore at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 16:13:37 CET 2008

Hi. I have a question regarding some automation options in Gnupg.
Im using Gnupg 2.0.4 running on OpenSuse 10.3 32bit.

Each 3rd day i get 5-10 new .gpg files that i need to automatically decrypt
using a known passphrase using the following command line:

gpg --decrypt-files --no-mdc-warning -q --allow-multiple-messages $(find .
-name '*.gpg')

When i add  "--passphrase-file" /root/pass.txt i still get the passphrase
dialogbox up.
PS! Im running the gpg command as root user so there shouldnt be security

If any one has a tip or a hint to what to do i would be most greatfull

Best Regards

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