McDougall, Marshall (STEM) Marshall.McDougall at
Wed Jan 23 18:42:36 CET 2008

Hi All.

First gentle :-}

I have a RHEL server and I am having difficulty decrypting a pgp
encrypted file.  Near as I can tell, I need the IDEA cipher.  

[user at myserver]# gpg --decrypt myfile.txt 
gpg: protection algorithm 1 (IDEA) is not supported
gpg: the IDEA cipher plugin is not present
gpg: please see for more
gpg: encrypted with 1024-bit RSA key, ID C0A298D3, created 2004-07-13
gpg: public key decryption failed: unknown cipher algorithm
gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available

I roamed around the GNUPG site and found the "idea.c.gz" downloads, but
the instructions allude to directories that don't exist on my server.
Has anyone added IDEA to an existing canned redhat installation?  I am
open to any suggestion.  Thanks.

Regards, Marshall

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