Wildcards in uids?

David Shaw dshaw at jabberwocky.com
Wed Jun 4 19:08:40 CEST 2008

On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 04:13:00PM +0100, Phil Reynolds wrote:
> I have recently started using suffixed e-mail addresses and am wondering 
> if I might need to add suffixes I am using to my key - or if I can add 
> something that would catch them all.
> If I need to add them individually, it may be better to add the ones I  
> need to as I need them, but if a catch-all is possible, please advise me 
> as to how I need to specify it.

Sorry, there is no way within GnuPG to do such a thing.  It's
frequently doable outside of GnuPG via your mail program, but you'd
have to consult the documentation for that program to learn how.


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