OpenPGP card stopped working

Sven Radde email at
Tue Mar 11 09:33:55 CET 2008


Werner Dittmann schrieb:
> I've the same problem with an SCM 535. By running the pcscd in
> forgroung with debug enabled I got the follwoing messages:
As far as I can tell from its output, pcscd is running normally. 
Inserting and removing the OpenPGP card prints the appropriate messages. 
I don't get the "broken pipes".
However, executing "gpg --card-status" does not cause pcscd to print 
anything at all. I would expect some output here, shouldn't I? It 
appears that GnuPG doesn't even get so far as to communicate with pcscd, 
before exiting with the error message of my initial post.

cu, Sven

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