playing with cryptography...

Bill Royds bill.royds at
Fri May 2 23:55:17 CEST 2008

On 2-May-08, at 04:50 , Ramon Loureiro wrote:

> Great!
> I think I've got it!
> (This msg  should be MIME-signed with a Thawte certificationx)

Yes, it was signed, by the Thawte issued signature.

Basically a PKI-509 type signing is a tree of trust relationship,  
where the root of the tree is a set of certificate issuers that your  
browser or email program trusts whether you do or not. These then  
issue certificates to others who can issue certificates to more people  
etc. It is simpler because you leave the issue of who do you trust up  
to Microsoft or Mozilla or Apple.
FOr example, your certificate was issued by Thawte whose certificate  
was embedded in the Apple Mail program that I use. So trusting your  
certificate means that I trust Apple (for embedding Thawte) and Thawte  
(who issued your certificate). The signature verifies that the sender  
is who he/she claims but does not verify that the contents of the  
message have not been altered.
  The PGP (GPG) model is that one only trusts certificate that come  
from someone you already trust or from someone that is trusted by  
someone who you trust etc. There is no implicit trust so it takes more  
effort to get that trust. It also verifies that the message has not  
been altered as well as providing a signing for the sending.

I think the GPG model is more secure, but the other model is more  
profitable for the issuers. That is why it is implemented in browsers  
and email readers.

Your Thawte certificate  reads Signed (ramon.loureiro at

Bill Royds

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