how long should a password be?

Faramir at
Tue May 6 10:52:31 CEST 2008

Hash: SHA1
Sven Radde escribió:
> A salt essentially makes precomputed rainbow tables useless.
> A rainbow table consists of two columns, "password" and "hashed
> password" and is filled by hashing a great number of passwords. Now, if
> you know only the hash of a password, just look it up in the rainbow
> table to get the original password.
> If a salt is being used, the hash is not computed as, e.g.,
> SHA1(password), but rather SHA1(salt+password). The salt is a random
> number that does not need to be kept secret.
> This way, even if you have a rainbow table for SHA1 ready, and even if
> the password is in there, you cannot find it by looking up the hashed
> value of the password, as a given password can hash to many different
> values, depending on the salt used.
> You would have to extend your rainbow table by a third column that
> contains salt values, which would tremendously increase the size of the
> table. Say, if you want 1 million passwords in your rainbow table, a
> table without salt would simply have 1 million entries. With a 64 bit
> salt, the table would have to be expanded to 1 million * 2^64 entries,
> because you need to take every combination of hash+password into
> account.
> HTH, Sven
   Excellent explanation, thanks. But I still miss the point about the
salt number doesn't need to be kept secret... I mean: if the salt value
is not known to the program that must validate the password, then it
can't validate it (since the hash produced by the password will never
match the "salted" stored hash). That means the salt used must be stored
somewhere... and if I get the stored hash, and the salt, I would just
need to generate the rainbow tables adding the salt value I got... Wait,
I think I am beginning to get the point... since the salt is random, I
figure each user will have his own salt value... and that would mean I
would have to generate 1  rainbow table for each user... but then, I
would rather try to crack an admin password, and then reset the
passwords of the users...

  I already see the advantage of making pre built rainbow tables
useless... but I feel I am missing the main thing....

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