Problem with FSFE gpg card

Edward Robinson eddrobinson at
Thu May 8 13:07:25 CEST 2008

Henry Bremridge wrote:
> Removed my card and then tried 
> $gpg --homedir <backup_directory> -d file.gpg
> and got the following message
> gpg: anonymous recipient; trying secret key <xxxxxx> ...
> gpg: detected reader `SCM SCR 335 00 00'
> gpg: pcsc_connect failed: no smartcard (0x8010000c)
> gpg: apdu_send_simple(0) failed: no card
> Please insert the card and hit return or enter 'c' to cancel: c

Oops, I just remembered, try hitting c until it gives up on the card and see 
if it finds and used your master key in the backup (assuming that you 
encrypted the file with your master public encryption key..)



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