First Time Setup Confusion

Carlos Williams carloswill at
Wed May 28 19:21:11 CEST 2008

I am the email administrator for my small company and have never dealt with
any kind of cryptographic software. I have several internal users on my
email server (Postfix) who have the need to send encrypted email to trusted
vendors so there will be some kind of public key exchange however I don't
understand where GPG fits in the puzzle and maybe someone can explain this
to me. I was told on a tech forum that PGP and / or GPG both are client side
applications and don't need to run on my email (Postfix) server. I contacted
PGP and they explained they have a client application that runs on the users
desktop that handles the key encryption and exchange however I would like to
use GPG and don't understand what the steps are that need to be done.

I read their mini_howto guide:

However this basically runs over the entire process and everything I need to
install this. I am just not clear on if I need to install GPG on my email
server or a stand alone server (or does it matter) and how this all works
with my current system.

Please pardon my ignorance and thanks for any help and or info!
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