GNUPG CLI endless loop when using --batch and --decrypt on detached signature file

Werner Koch wk at
Thu Apr 23 22:22:24 CEST 2009

On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 16:49, harakiri_23 at said:

> a) GNUPG does not inform the caller via status-fd that its a detached signature and halts the processing

It does not hold the processing but whats for input - this is by design
and expected beahaviour for any Unix tool.

> b) GNUPG needs "--batch" on "some" occasions to be really "batch mode"
> compatbile (this is undocumented and should be a flag)

It is already.

> c) Since i do not know in advance if it is an encrypted or detached signature file (no status output) - i may need to pipe the passphrase too - but with stdin to dev/null - i cant anymore

Use --passphrase-fd 5 or alike.  And in fact you should know what you
are doing.  A detached signature and an encrypted file are very
different things.  If your question is how to figure out what this
OpenPGP messag is about, you can just call it properly and check the
output.  If it is a detached signature it will says so.



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