compatible? GnuPG & PGP 6.5.8

Rasta Surfer rsurfer at
Wed Apr 29 22:11:53 CEST 2009

Is it possible to export a key from GNUPG 1.4.[7,9] and import it into PGP
6.5.8?  The purpose is for GNUPG to  encrypt a file and PGP to decrypt.  I
keep coming up toan error of "encrypted session key is bad" on PGP trying to

Older keys that were imported into PGP have cipher set as CAST, the new keys
show IDEA.  I have tried to gen-key a 3des one to no avail....

  i know pgp 6.5.8 is older than the hills, i still imagine there is a work
around for some type of incompatibility.

Thank You.
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