The number of lines of a key opened in a text-editor

Robert J. Hansen rjh at
Wed Dec 16 00:05:45 CET 2009

On 12/15/2009 04:45 PM, Kaori Ari wrote:
> I really don't know whether I'm asking a stupid question or not.

The only stupid questions are the ones that don't get asked.  :)

> - How can it be possible to obtain such a long text of a public key
> although it has 2048 bytes strength or whatever?

2048 bits, only 512 bytes.

A "public key" usually has a lot more data than just the key material.
User IDs and signatures are usually present, too.  Some users even
include a JPEG of themselves in their key.

> - Is such a long text public key more secure than what we get regularly?

Nope.  :)

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