encryption bloats file

Matthias Mansfeld m.mansfeld at mansfeld-elektronik.de
Fri Jan 9 23:22:37 CET 2009

On 9 Jan 2009 at 19:15, Faramir wrote:

> Hello!
> Scott Lambdin escribió:
> ...
> > Someone sends us a big ~700MB pgp encrypted file and when we decrypt
> > it the resulting file is about half that size.  Anyone have an idea
> > what they might be doing to swell it up like that?
>   That sounds weird... GPG is supposed to compress the files before
> encrypting them, IIRC...

What type is the file? If it is just an already perfectly compressed 
*.zip, *.jpg, *.pdf or similar, then I would guess GPG can not 
squeeze it further. The encryption itself adds data, thus the result 
may be bigger than the original.
Matthias Mansfeld Elektronik * Leiterplattenlayout
Neithardtstr. 3, 85540 Haar; Tel.: 089/4620 093-7, Fax: -8
Internet: http://www.mansfeld-elektronik.de
GPG http://www.mansfeld-elektronik.de/gnupgkey/mansfeld.asc

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