algorythm 11 mistake mac

Friedrich Fuhr ffuhr at
Tue Jul 7 08:55:39 CEST 2009

Hello to all.
I have a Problem:
When i try to send a signed mail message i get a window with the  
following text:

internal failure: the hash algorithmus 11 is not allowed with rfc3156
the message couldn´t signed with gpg

mac os x 10,5,6
gpgmail 1.2.0
gpgpreferences 1.2.2
macgpg 2-2.0.12


i made 2 new keys for 2 different email-adresses.
i forgot the passphrase without having a revocation possibility
i deleted both keys
#then i made a new one with one of the addresses
from this point on the mentioned above mistake happened.
as long as i remembered my passphrase everything worked fine.

what ca i do to solve the problem?
may i uninstall everything?

thank you very much for your patience
and your help

Friedrich Fuhr
ffuhr at

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