gpgme does not find key for user after setuid()

kaustubh.gadkari at kaustubh.gadkari at
Wed May 20 17:13:50 CEST 2009


I have a signer, that I run as root, but which drops privileges to a user 'A', using setuid(). I run the signer with the command below:
./simple-signer 'name of key' 'data to sign' A

When run like this, the signer does not find the key for user A. 

If I run the signer as user A:
./simple-signer 'name of key' 'data to sign'
gpgme finds the key.

Any pointers as to why this happens would be appreciated.

Kaustubh Gadkari
kaustubh [dot] gadkari [at] gmail [dot] com

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