howto secure older keys after the recent attacks

Robert J. Hansen rjh at
Thu Sep 10 22:21:44 CEST 2009

Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> On 09/10/2009 10:54 AM, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
>> On Thu, 2009-09-10 at 14:02 +0200, Philippe Cerfon wrote:
>>> I thought the key ID is only used for humans to short check the
>>> keys,.. but not in the system itself?!
>> Nope, it's pretty pervasive in the system.
> Unless i misunderstand the context, I think I disagree with your
> characterization here, Robert.

I understood him to mean the "key ID" as the fingerprint of the
certificate's primary signing key, rather than checking each bit of the
certificate's primary signing key individually.

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