GPG4Win: running gpg-agent with SSH agent support?

Werner Koch wk at
Wed Feb 3 10:46:39 CET 2010

On Tue,  2 Feb 2010 15:52, simon at said:

> Why can't gpg-agent implement the same protocol that ssh-agent does
> under Windows?

I don't know how ssh-agent works unde Cygwin.  It has been many years
that I last looked at Cygwin.  How to they emulate nix doman sockets?
That is the crucial question.

> The ssh-agent under Cygwin appears to work in the same way it does on
> GNU/Linux, i.e., the ssh process looks for the environment variables
> that ssh-agent prints when started.

I believe gpg-agent prints these environment variables.  I can't check
right now because I removed the current installation cause I am about to
test a new gpg4win.

However the crucial question is how the Unix domain sockets are



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