Error decrypting: No secret key available

20 Ton Squirrel andy_croft at
Tue Feb 2 17:16:18 CET 2010

This is likely a common error for new users, which I count myself amongst.  I
searched the forum and found issues similar to my own but the solutions did
not fix my problem.

I am using GPG 1.4.10 on a WinXP system.  I created my own key and imported
a client's key.  

My key shows up under the gpg -K command as 974CE93B

The client's key shows up under the gpg --list-keys command as FC0919EA

I'm trying to encrypt an Excel file using the following command line:

gpg --compress-algo 1 --cipher-algo cast5 --local-user
myusrname at -r myClient at -o
C:\user\encrypt\out\myExcel.xls.gpg -se C:\user\encrypt\in\myExcel.xls

Once it is encrypted, neither the client or I can actually decrypt the file
again.  The error message reads:

No secret key available Keyring does not have the secret key
(0x5C3A5DB39FF7592C) needed to decrypt this message.

My assumption was that the secret key would've been 974CE93B, since it's my
signature.  Can someone point me in the right direction? 
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