It'd be nice if "--refresh-keys" was covered on the website.

Grant Olson kgo at
Wed Feb 17 09:19:01 CET 2010

Hey, I'm not sure if this is the right place to talk about this, but the
maintainer contact email listed in the Privacy Handbook is dead, the doc
mailing list has a last post in 2008, and it doesn't seem like it
belongs on the developer list.  So...

There's no mention of --refresh-keys usage on the website's manpage or
the Privacy Handbook.

I was reading about revoking keys on various sites, but I couldn't for
the life of me figure out how other users would know that your key was
revoked.  How they'd get that information.  I was searching around like
crazy.  I knew there had to be a better option than just catching things
by manually re-importing the key when you're on a new computer.  Or
having to email everyone who has your old private key with the bad news.

After days of searching, I finally found the "--refresh-keys" option.  I
thought once I had that figured out, it'd obviously be on the gnugp
site.  But it's not covered in the handbook, nor is it covered in the
site's online man page.  (Glad on the manpage, I know I read it a
hundred times.)

Anyway, it makes me wonder how many other people don't know about this
command, and how many never check to see they've got bad keys on their
keyring.  I thought it would be also be a nice addition to the Privacy
Handbook, a subsection under "Section 3: Key Management."

I'm not a OpenPGP guru, but I could try my hand at a rough draft of some
appropriate text if no-one else is up for it.  It looks like the doc
could also use some other minor updates (still say the default key is
DSA/ElGammal..., etc).

It might also be nice if the manpage on the website had the actual
current manpage, since searching for "man gpg" inevitably ends up there.

Like I said, I'm happy to do some of the legwork here if someone can
point me in the right direction and think it's a reasonable request.


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