Release candidate for 2.0.15
carlo.bramix at
Thu Feb 18 18:20:46 CET 2010
I tried to compile gnupg-2.0.15rc1 under mingw+msys.
Everything worked fine except the compilation of scd/ccid-driver.c
It required two little fixes:
1) ETIMEDOUT is not defined by common windows headers, so libusb-win32 hardcoded this value into its sources. For this reason, it needs to be defined here too.
2) libusb-win32 cannot modify errno, so the error code is returned directly into the return value of various functions.
After doing these fixes gnupg has been compiled successfully.
I still need to test it under cygwin.
Carlo Bramini.
---------- Initial Header -----------
>From : gnupg-devel-bounces at
To : gnupg-users at
Cc : gnupg-devel at
Date : Thu, 18 Feb 2010 10:41:49 +0100
Subject : Release candidate for 2.0.15
> Hi!
> I just prepared a release candidate for GnuPG 2.0.15. The goal of this
> release is to find out whether there are any severe build or runtime
> bugs. There are actually not may changes:
> * New command --passwd for GPG.
> * Fixes a regression in 2.0.14 which prevented unprotection of new
> or changed gpg-agent passphrases.
> * Make use of Libassuan 2.0 which is available as a DSO.
> as well as a couple of minor bug fixes and some changes to the German
> translation.
> The major point is the move to Libassuan 2.0. This is the first version
> of Libassuan which may be used as a shared library. We took this change
> to cleanup the API a bit with the drawback that some changes to the
> caller are required.
> To make development with Libassuan easier we need to get rid of
> Libassuan 1 which developer's package can't be installed side by side
> with Libassuan 2. Thus it is not easy to maintain software written with
> version 1 and 2 at the same time. With the 2.0.15 release we will have
> finished the migration of the GnuPG related tools to Libassuan 2.
> Please let us know if there are any problems building this release:
> Shalom-Salam,
> Werner
> --
> Die Gedanken sind frei. Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
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