How to sign an email in PHP?

Carlos Chavez carlos.chavez.p at
Thu Feb 25 17:59:38 CET 2010

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Robert J. Hansen <rjh at>wrote:

> On 2/24/10 11:18 AM, Jerry wrote:
> > Outlook Express is depreciated.
> Outlook Express is deprecated, and many people here throw deprecations
> against it -- but Outlook Express is still one of the most common MUAs
> in existence, and for that reason alone the PGP/MIME interoperability
> problem should be taken seriously.
>      I finally got it to work!  Thanks to Grant for pointing me to the RFC.
 I can now sign the message and successfully verify the signature when it
arrives.  So far Evolution, Thunderbird and Outlook work without a hitch.  I
have to write the whole email manually in PHP because the PEAR libraries for
Mime do not quite get the headers right but I do not see that as a problem.
 My next test is to sign a message that includes an attachment which is
going to be a bit more difficult.

Carlos Chavez
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