Find correct key id's

Mohan Radhakrishnan mohanr at
Tue Jul 27 13:29:19 CEST 2010



I have some questions about matching key id's.


1. I am trying to find the key id of the key that encrypted a file so
that I can use the corresponding decrypting key.


2. I am trying to use the correct decrypting key from the keyring using
the code shown here to decrypt.


Appreciate any advice ?







                PGPSecretKey    prk = ( PGPSecretKey );

                PGPPublicKey    puk = prk.getPublicKey();


                        sb.append(  "Private [" + prk.getKeyID() + "]
Public [" + puk.getKeyID() + "]\n" );


                        for( Iterator it = puk.getUserIDs() ;
it.hasNext() ;  ){

                              sb.append( "User ID [" + + "]\n"




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