Keyserver spam example

Jean-David Beyer jeandavid8 at
Sat Jun 12 12:59:41 CEST 2010

MFPA wrote:
>> The Spamhaus PBL might very well list you.
>> is listed in the PBL
>> Mailservers using this blocklist would probably block mail from
>> you.
> Of course, even Spamhaus's own website says the PBL is not a
> blacklist and that you can remove your IP address from their list if
> you are running a "legitimate" mail server, but only if it's a static
> Ip address. They provide no definition (that I can find) of what 
> constitutes a "legitimate" mail server
>> Obtaining a static IP is easily done so I don't know why someone
>> would want to risk using a dynamic IP.

My current ISP (Verizon) wants US$100/month more for a static IP address
than for a dynamic one. In addition, I am not permitted to use my own
MTA (in my case, sendmail) unless I have a commercial account instead of
a home owner's account.
> Most ISPs I have seen charge considerably more for a static IP 
> address; generally, commercial prices rather than home-user or 
> small-business prices. Unless you have relatively high bandwidth 
> requirements there is no point. It is *definitely* not worth the 
> expense just just to avoid an occasional over-zealous mailserver
> admin spuriously binning one of your perfectly valid email messages.
> Even if you are hosting a website or an incoming mail server, there
> are plenty of dynamic DNS services available for many times less cost
> than having a static IP address.
My sister lives in France. I believe her ISP is the French Post Office. 
While I can receive e-mail from her, she cannot receive e-mail from me, 
even though I use Verizon as my ISP. My home has a dynamic IP address, 
but I assume Verizon have static IP addresses. We have worked on this 
for several years, but I cannot send to that sister.

I have another sister in Canada. She has no trouble sending e-mail to 
her sister in France.

Someone in France does seem to be blocking Verizon. At least, they are 
blocking me, and I cannot imagine it is just me.
>> In any case, a very large percentage of SPAM originates from
>> dynamic IPs, which is why I routinely block them.
> A large percentage of spam originates from the USA. It would be just 
> as rational to block mail from all IP addresses that are listed as 
> being there. (-;
Maybe France is blocking all of USA, or all of Verizon.

   .~.  Jean-David Beyer          Registered Linux User 85642.
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